The Introducing Part
So, to introduce myself, I would like to say that I’m a really intelligent person, non-affected by the media and with my own personal responsible view on the world.. but well, who is like that? I’m kinda normal, I go to school, I work and I have a boyfriend. Then, on the other side, I’m not that 16-year-old girl who goes out every weekend and has 1826 friends. Also, I got my first cell phone for Christmas last year. Maybe I’m just a not-so social person, but that would mean I don’t like to meet new people, and I do, I really do. New people are so interesting, I always love to ask them too many questions and wait untill they’re annoyed. You could actually say that I have two social lifes.
The In-Real-Life-I’m-Shy Life
Hello, my name’s Imme, I’m sixteen, Dutch and I like reading, writing, singing, listening to music, watching movies, cuddling with my boyfriend, shopping, hanging with my friends and, when being forced, going out. My mates for life are Maria (also called Ma, Mana, Mia or any other shortcut) and Charlotte (also called Lot, Lottie, Carlotta or any other dumb variation), and boy, do they rock! They’re both so sparkly and bubbly and fresh, and if you’ll ever get the chance to meet them, you’ll be madly in love with them, whether you’re a bird or a bloke. My other friends are loooovely to, they’ve such different personalities.. Pay attention now, they might come back in stories later on.. You’ve got Eugenie (Miss I-want-to-solve-any-problem/ Horselover), Steven (Mister I-want-to-do-something/ Sweetest Guy Alive), Anna (Miss I-want-to-talk-about-everything-and-with-everything-I-mean-everything/ Funny Bunny), Xandra (Miss I-look-like-an-angel-and-so-am-I/ Travel Blondie), Margot (Miss I-was-actually-born-in-Spain/ Laugheress) Tessa (Miss I’m-always-enthusiastic/ Tiny Jumper), Veerle (Miss I’m-absolutely-perfect-and-actually-a-really-nice-girl-too/ Not You Again) Stéphanie (Miss I-slap-Veerle-for-a-reason/ Tennis Chick), Enrieke (Miss I-like-to-gossip-and-so-do-you/ Talkeress), Jora (Miss I-make-you-laugh-when-you-least-expect-it/ A-graderess) and Suus (Miss I-look-like-I’m-about-to-bite-but-actually-I’m-soft-as-fur/ Lady Taurus). There you go. Now, to explain the title, I might seem so full of confidence when I write, but I’m so shy. I’m the kind of girl who’d take a whole different route, just to avoid walking past a group of people. I’m someone who’d get frightened to buy a drink, because of the chance they wouldn’t hear me. Yeah, I know. With friends I’m a whole different person though. I can be outgoing, fun, enthusiastic, overexcited and crazy, but also stubborn, selfish, lazy, picky and very spoiled. I’m not the kind of girl who loves to try out new stuff, I don’t like changes. On the other hand, I hate when everything’s the same and I do the same things all the time. Let’s just say I’m difficult. Yes.
The I’m-A-Giggly-Flirt-Online Life
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some sort of online bimbo, but I love chatting with guys better than with girls. I’m forum-addicted, I love the cosy forum I’ve been on for so long now. The people there are just the nicest people you could ever meet. And isn’t it just fascinating that we talk to people from all over the globe? I mean, my internet-friendlets variate from Swedish people to Aussie people. Also, I love to register on loads of profile-websites, such as MySpace and Mailfriends. I am perfectly aware of the losers on there, and maybe you could count me as one, but I don’t care. Those people are fun to talk to! Again, I’ll introduce you to some of my friends, the onliners. My online friends are all very, very intelligent, cool and fashionable, hee. First, there’s Marijn. I love him to death, partly because he’s my boyfriend. Now don’t judge me too soon, I have actually met him and I think he’s fantastic, though he's quite insufferable too. I actually had to edit this post for him, *sigh*. Second, there’s Ted. I have some sort of love/hate-relationship with this guy, but he’ll always be my friend. I’ve also met him in real life, and he’s a really nice guy. So far for the I-met-you-already people.. Now, who’s really great is Alec, the Swedish hottie who’s lost himself in his art. Alec is the most honest guy I know, he literally tells you everything, which I think is one of the reasons why he’s so easy to talk to. Then there’s Jake, also Swedish, the guy who went into the army without warning me.. He’s incredibly funny and always makes me laugh when he pulls faces on the webcam. Now there’s girls, yay! Drew, the chick from Florida, is impossible to dislike. I remember our first talk being about The Spice Girls, which was really funny. She also knows Jake, and as threesome we’re pretty much invincible, HA! Then you’ve got Miri, Australian crazyness, and Maria, American beauty, the girls I met on my favourite forum. They’re such a bunch of fashionista’s, and I really admire Maria for having an Aussie boyfriend! They’re actually going to meet each other next year, which is sooo cool. Again, explaining the title, I don’t know why, but almost every time I meet a new guy on the internet, straight or gay, I get flirty. It’s just part of the meeting-ritual, I guess. I am intelligent though. Now, when you’ve finished reading all this, you might think I am a geek. I don’t care. I care I said I didn’t care, because I might look like an emo-person, and I’m not. I do care about things. Geeks are extremely cool though, imagine me being a Rory. Rory Gilmore’s the prettiest, smartest and funniest geek I know, so there you go.
That was my introduction, I hope you like me and do not think I’m some kind of strange chick. Oh, I’ve changed my mind, I would actually like it if you would think I’m strange. I’m not going to post pictures of me along these blogs, because despite the fact that I’m a total camwhore, I would like you to make yer own picture of me, in yer head. I can only say that I’m a Pure Brunette, that’s all. Have a nice day,
Ciao x