Virtual Reality

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Storm, you lose
Hmmmm.. what date is it? Could it possibly be the 29th of November? Then why, OH WHY, hasn't there be a big, mighty, go-hide-in-your-house, this-will-change-everything STORM? Maybe, because all weather-predicters are DQ's. I'm sorry, but this is a new trend, which began last year, with warnings in the form of weather-alarms for 'snow' or 'wind' or 'tooooo much sun'. And it never really did happen, only the times that they didn't warn us :)
Why can I only ramble about the weather in my latest blogs? Well, the thing is.. everything's going fine! And it's not fun to read about someone who has a great life, so I'll just complain about little stupid things like teh weather. Oh I'm sorry Anna, that I used 'teh', but I like writing 'teh'. TEH. :)
I'm ill at home, so rather boring, and I'm writing my PWS. That's like having your period, but with a W instead of an M. Can you still keep up? No I can't either.
So. Let's leave you all with one of my great, lovable poems, because it's almost Sinterklaas and who doesn't rhyme in the Sinterklaas-days?

Sinterklaas was thinking,
why his ship wasn't sinking.
What happened to that enormous storm the English predicted?

Love and peace,

Monday, November 12, 2007


We're waiting on TEH BIGGEST STORM IN HISTORY now, because some English dude has announced that 'around the 24th of November a superstorm will come over the Netherlands'. Sure. I'm really happy that everyone says it's bullshit, because otherwise I would be hunting that storm down!
Everything's going well well well, and I'm really exciting for going to Texel for a day, on, yes you've guessed it: the 24th of November. Note, that Texel is an island, which is close to the sea, which is normally the place where you don't want to be in a superstorm.
This, I think personally, is kinda mean. I have been thinking if I should take this as a sign from above, to.. erhm, to do what? To ban Texel out of my life? To PLEASE NOT GO TO TEXEL THIS YEAR BECAUSE YOU'LL DIE?! Or to leave Len alone because we couldn't possibly date for a year, come on that's way too long? First of all, Texel is my booboo-island, I absolutely adore it and half of my family's born at Texel. Oh and my name's Texelish. And SECOND. I am not going to die. Please, I'm 17 and I have a life, and I want a life now. I don't want to die before I get my Uggs. Heehee, no I actually mean I love my friends and boyfriend and family too much to die 8) (Read: Uggs. Seriously. I want them.) OH YES AND THIRD: Nobody can bring os doooooown, y'all. I just need to go all hiphop-ish about this, because it's so convincing. <3 Lendemain
Oh yes, and a little thingie for
Anna: congratulations, you've won the contest of most-annoying-whining-but-I-still-love-you reader. Who'll always read my blog, right? What if I wrote about.. how I.. God, really, I cannot think of anything uninteresting, how narcistic, as if everything I think is totally fascinating.
But that's all for now kids, this was again, a random blog of superrambling.
