This year will shine like a Barbie
2007, fuck it. We lost our good and shiny 2006 to this ugly bugger. Although this is not a rant, I just wanted to bring a little ode to 2006: I love you. I will write my tenth blog in 2007 though. It was quite a weird New Year’s Eve this year (or last year, whatever).. It rained. Basically, we watched the clock, we cheered, we kissed each other, drank champagne (it took me three glasses to find out that I was drinking kids’ champagne), went outside, went inside again to get our coats, watched the fireworks for 5 minutes, went inside and then finally watched the fireworks from out of our cosy bedrooms. And now it’s on with the corny jokes again, such as: I haven’t taken a shower yet this year. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
No, I might sound bitter, but that’s just because my soar throat has taken over me and with a sexy voice it’s impossible to sound cheery and happy. Maybe it’ll help to change the music also. I am not bitter. I am really blessed that I am actually able to live normally in 2007, with a home and loving family and stuff, but it’s just that 2006 was so much fun.. I am a little scared that 2007 will turn out to be less magical, though you always have ups and downs. I am such a wise-ass, ha. I’m sure 2007 will be cool too, IF (yes, there’s always an IF or a BUT) I help faith a little bit..
A lot of things in 2006 happened with reason, or because we planned it, but there were also things I absolutely didn’t foresee. The change in boyfriends, for a start. But then again, love is complicated, so I couldn’t possibly have foreseen it. I do really want to thank Maria and Lottie for keeping me sane and saving my ass, at that time when I almost cheated.. Although I must say, it was REALLY FREAKING ME OUT at that moment. But thank you, you guys kinda made me see the light. Confession Time.
Things that we did have planned worked out pretty good too, like Vlieland.. Gosh, Vlieland was so awesome! At first I didn’t really believe we would actually go there, but we did, we did and it was so lovely! Or the time we went to see Maria Mena, teh Norwegian Goddess Singer! She ROCKED and it was a great night out.. Or that time we went to PinkPop, and actually saw all those bands live.. And that time we went to London with school, which was the best experience, with so many nice people! Or that time we decided ALL to go write for the school paper, haha, and now we finally spit one out and it looks gorgeous.
Like I’m saying: if we work out 2007 like we worked out 2006, this new year will make us shine like Barbies! So, are you guys with me? GOTT NYTT AR!