Virtual Reality
Wow, you guys, I'm actually busy. I thought there would never come a time that I would be occupied every day, but I am now. Today was for resting, since I get tired easily lately. I finished the most incredible book in the world today. It's high on my most-favourite-books list. First is still the His Dark Materials trilogy, but then comes The Host. It's really a science-fiction book for those who don't really like science-fiction. It's got all my writing fantasies: group-against-group war, lively characters, people living in a self-built environment, fear, LOVE and of course, the best of all, a huge tension in the atmosphere. Tension simply rules, I won't really like a book that hasn't got it. It's the thing that makes you fear, loathe and crave with the main character, which makes you really live the story.
And it makes me cry. And I love it. Thumbs up for Stephenie Meyer.
It really is SUCH a sunny day! But I'm bored a little and that is quite dissapointing. You people, cheer me up! I really want people to just call me and suggest we should do something :) This is a hint.
I went to the movies today, for free :) The movie was kind of dissapointing though, I wished it would have been a better one. But still, for free is for free. We had to eat these cookies, which were nice, but a bit dry. And the company was nice. I don't know why I'm typing all of this, because I'm not really in a funny joke-making mood, but whatever.
There was this man on the bus, though, and he was really making a scene. He was drunk and yelling weird stuff about him raping random people and well, basically he wasn't up to much good. Lot and I were scared, but surrounded by a lot of men so we felt kind of safe aswell. Why do people do those things? It's stupid, I was shaky during the whole first part of the movie. And then I come home and Ted tells me some guy on the train this weekend wanted to show him his weapon. Really. And my dad tells me about this random guy who yelled and screamed and cursed for about half an hour at someone he didn't know outside of a store.
I hate feeling scared like that. I'm so glad that there are still heroic people out there who stand up for others.
I really do love the fact that my Canadian uncle & aunt are here. It makes everything more vacationy and pleasant. They are sweet and funny and one can appreciate that.
Tonight, we went to a Mexican restaurant where every girl that was in my High School works, and it was slightly uncomfortable. But still nice. My father and my uncle - who look extremely alike, which is not really that odd because they are of course brothers - shared a huge plate of food and stared at it as little nosy kids. My brother and I took the same ap and main course, something we always accidentally do. I guess we just like the same food :) My mother and aunt didn't take a dessert, because that isn't something ladies do. I did, though, and quite enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so much that I gained 3 kg when I came home.
Goodnight, my humble friends.