Virtual Reality
It is truly wonderful to wake up in this huge new bed with the sun on my face. Though, not everyone likes the sun on his face, I've noticed. I do. I'm a sun-lover.
Today I have to install my new 'WILMA' curtains. Yes they are from IKEA :) My new chair's name is Moses.
Can you feel it? I can! :)
Hello all!
I had such a lovely evening this Friday! I walked a fashionshow for the Superduper store in Arnhem, with a lot of very beautiful people and my friendsies Vita & Yvette. I thought, after the castings, that I didn't like walking the catwalk anyway, but I do, I really do! It all depends on the atmosphere, of course, but this show was really great. I had to show 4 outfits, so I had to change rather quickly, which was a bit chaotic and I admit that I felt superscared, but the adrenaline made me do it right.
Then afterwards, Yvette, Vita, Indi, Berfu and I had a little party untill half past 10, when we had to go up to the trains. Pity, but we had to. Now I think of it, we acted quite foolish, because we were tipsy and I just sat at the train station, all by myself. Luckily I did find the right train and got out at the right stop, but still, it wasn't really clever.
I love my Len though, who always cares for me. And his parents, who asked me if I had a headache, the next morning. Yeah, then you feel stupid. Trust me.
I love & hate working out in the morning.
I've never in my life felt this rejected.
Not only by everything I work for, but also by close friends, my boyfriend, my cat and even this laptop. And now this sounds more like a joke, but it doesn't feel that funny.
I am experiencing a weak moment weekend, which was supposed to be a good, cosy weekend.
And I want it to be okay, but people have to stop rejecting me.
Does everyone has a passion?
Because I don't think I have one.
I like things, I love things, but I'm not particularly passionate about something. And I would like to be.
When do you call something a 'passion'? It's hard. Where's the line between loving something and being absolutely, without a doubt, passionate about something?
I would like to know what my passion is, if there's one for everyone, so that I can be happy in this life by doing something I not just like, or love, but am passionate about.
Anna says it's that something you can always talk about (passionately, of course) and what you will always love doing, no matter what. So, if she's right, you are my passion. This. Writing.
I LOVE it, I've loved it since I was a little kid and I will always love it.
Some things are so stupid I laugh at them. Take 'Topstylist', a show on Dutch television about people styling a house. It's just like Idols or X-Factor, with judges and THE MOST STUPID THING OF ALL: a hostess that looks angry. You don't have to look angry if you tell people that they're dismissed, that's just ridiculous. Plus, that stupid gate they have to cross, where you can't enter if you're that weeks loser. Sigh.
Another stupid thing. I had to travel 4 hours (back and forth) for one minute of casting. ALSO, Carice van Houten was at the casting at the beginning, when I wasn't there yet :( I love her. I'm sad.Love
Today, I love.
Thursday night, when I was in Alkmaar, sleeping at sweet Merel's place, I had an amazing phone call with Len. I at that point realised that, whatever I do, he's always on my mind and I want to be with him for as long as we both can.
Just little things that make me smile and happy..
Like the fact that once, when I was sad at his place, he asked: "Do you want to listen to some music?" And I was like, "no", but the put the sound of his computer on and I heard the tunes of the Irn Bru snowman-commercial. I have so many memories to that tune :) (Not even memories I share with him, but he somehow knew that I loved the song and somehow found it on the internet.)
Or the fact that he remembered that when we were in the zoo in June, I saw a pluche orca/killer whale toy and wanted one. He gave one to me in November, when we were together 2 years.
Or that he calls me when I have to go somewhere I'm not familiar, and refuses to hang up untill I'm there.
So I love you. And I don't care I'm ickysticky because this is how I feel.
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
It felt great this year, first I celebrated with my family & boyfriend, a game of Trivia and the music top 2000, then Len and I went to meet Maria and Kauf at 00:45 and cycled all the way up to the old Saksen Weimar barracks, where friends of ours live.
Yay for sweet people being there :D We talked and sat with my little Lot, Tessa, Kauf, Maria, Jora, Katinka, Enrieke and Mieke, while some of the other guests I didn't know danced to their cheesy hardcore music. It was fun. Lot and Kauf and Len and I drank our 3 bottles of Ice Tea Vodka mix, it was yummy and I can't remember much of the way back home. That's funny sometimes. Len just discovered half of his shoe was orange, but didn't know why. We decided he had kicked an old piece of fireworks, and I suddenly remembered I wanted to kick it too, but couldn't reach out far enough.
So much for nonsense talk.
That's all for now
Have a wonderful 2009!