Virtual Reality
Wow. Is this.. actually possible? Me writing more than one blog in one night? WOW. Sitting outside really does help me.
Anyway, life has changed. I am almost finished with my first year of English, can you see the progress I'm making? No? No, I can't really see it, either. But! I do now know that one can never start a sentence with 'but', and that one should never use the word 'one', as it is way too ancient and old fashioned and formal and all these things. And you can never start a sentence with 'and' either. Or 'or'.
I'm so hilarious.
I'm glad at least I think so.
Love and happy Queensday!
This is my vision. I know that there are probably less than 3 people who read this blog. However, I am not going to post pictures of clothes. I love clothes, I really do, I spend crazy money on clothes. Posting pictures of clothes nonetheless, is crossing the line, because it means all the reactions I will receive will be about dresses and trousers and shoes and how hot or not they are. And I already know how hot or not they are, I bloody posted them. Do you see what I mean here? I understand I'm a bit chaotic.
The point that I'm trying to make is, that I like receiving reactions on non-superficial blogs. I'm an online diary. And if that means no one is actually going to read my blog, because they don't like letters and they do like pictures, so be it.
By the way, sitting outside all day spices up my brain flow and creates stories and ideas. I should do this more often.